Industri : |
Kebugaran / Kesehatan / Olahraga |
Jenjang Karir : |
Staff ( > 1 tahun pengalaman kerja) |
Pendidikan : |
Gaji yang Ditawarkan : |
- |
Fasilitas & Tunjangan : |
Transportasi, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Medikal, Bonus/Insentif |
Keahlian : |
- |
Jumlah yang dibutuhkan : |
1 Orang |
Ditempatkan : |
Indonesia |
Explore the latest jewel of the city, Royale Jakarta Golf Club. Introduce as one of five great new golf courses in Asia, designed by Bob Moore Jr. & JMP Group. With its green paradise concept of expansive meadows decorated with Sea isle Supreme Paspalum in every area of its 27 holes, combined with beautiful purple carpets of exotic plants and the calming beauty of the lake waters that will fulfill both the challenging golf and visual serenity, all results in a new and exclusive golfing experience. It is simply a beautiful and challenging golf course within the heart of Jakarta city.